
Nya YA-boksläpp 14/5 - 20/5

De utvalda: Monstrets Dotter - Kristin Cashore
Releasedatum: 14 maj, 2012

Sjuttonåriga Flamma kan läsa människors sinnen och styra deras vilja. Hela hennes väsen är förföriskt, men folk minns hennes elake döde far och undrar om dottern är likadan. Flamma vill bevisa att hon inte alls är som sin far. Med hjälp av sina krafter försöker hon avstyra ett hotande krig. Hon börjar inse den fulla vidden av sin styrka och den skrämmer henne. Kommer hon att bli ett lika fruktansvärt monster som hennes far var, eller kan hon använda sin förmåga till att göra gott?

Jellicoe Road - Melina Marchetta
Releasedatum: 15 maj, 2012

Som barn överges Taylor på 7-Eleven av sin mamma. Sex år senare hinner det förflutna ikapp henne.
Samtidigt pågår gängkriget på Jellicoe internatskola, där ännu en i Taylors närhet förvinner och någon återvänder.

Kiss the Morning Star
Kiss the Morning Star - Elissa Janine Hoole
Releasedatum:  15 maj, 2012

The summer after high-school graduation, a year after her mother’s tragic death, Anna has no plans – beyond her need to put a lot of miles between herself and the past. With forever friend Kat, a battered copy of Kerouac’s DHARMA BUMS, and a car with a dodgy oil filter, the girls set out on an epic road trip across the USA. Maybe somewhere along the way they’ll prove or disprove the existence of God. Maybe they’ll even get laid . . .

It’s a journey both outward and inward. Through the Badlands and encounters with predatory men and buffalo. A crazy bus ride to Mexico with a bunch of hymn-singing missionaries. Facing death, naked in the forest with an enraged grizzly bear . . . Gradually, Anna realizes that this is a voyage of discovery into her own self, her own silent pain – and into the tangled history that she and Kat share. What is love? What is sexual identity? And how do you find a way forward into a new future – a way to declare openly and without fear all that lies within you?

As Dead As It Gets (Bad Girls Don't Die, #3)
As Dead As It Gets - Katie Alender
Releasedatum: 15 maj, 2012
Goodreads: As Dead As It Gets

It's been three months since Alexis helplessly witnessed Lydia Small's violent death, and all she wants is for her life to return to normal.

But normal people don’t see decaying bodies haunting photographs. Normal people don’t have to deal with regular intrusions from Lydia’s angry ghost, sometimes escalating to terrifying attacks.

At first, it seems that Lydia wants revenge on Alexis alone. But a girl from school disappears one night, and Alexis spots one of Lydia’s signature yellow roses lying on the girl’s dresser the next day. Soon, it becomes clear that several of Alexis’s friends are in danger, and that she's the only person who can save them. But as she tries to intervene, Alexis realizes that her enemy is a much more powerful ghost than she's ever faced before... and that its fate is tied to hers in ways she couldn't possibly imagine.

Not even in her worst nightmares.

GiltGilt - Katherine Longshore
Releasedatum: 15 maj, 2012
Goodreads: Gilt

In the court of King Henry VIII, nothing is free--
and love comes at the highest price of all.

When Kitty Tylney's best friend, Catherine Howard, worms her way into King Henry VIII's heart and brings Kitty to court, she's thrust into a world filled with fabulous gowns, sparkling jewels, and elegant parties. No longer stuck in Cat's shadow, Kitty's now caught between two men--the object of her affection and the object of her desire. But court is also full of secrets, lies, and sordid affairs, and as Kitty witnesses Cat's meteoric rise and fall as queen, she must figure out how to keep being a good friend when the price of telling the truth could literally be her head.

Fler nya boksläpp: 

Immortal Hearts (Vampire Kisses, #9)  Reincarnate, Beloved  Torn  Railsea

From What I Remember...  Batman Vol. 1: The Court of Owls (The New 52)  Talisman of El (Talisman of El, #1)  The Weepers: The Other Life

Arranged: A Novel  Jersey Angel  Shelter: A Novel

//Frida och Agnes

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