
Nya YA-boksläpp 1/9 - 7/9

Heir of Fire (Throne of Glass, #3)
Heir of Fire (Throne of Glass #3) - Sarah J. Maas

Lost and broken, Celaena Sardothien’s only thought is to avenge the savage death of her dearest friend: as the King of Adarlan’s Assassin, she is bound to serve this tyrant, but he will pay for what he did. Any hope Celaena has of destroying the king lies in answers to be found in Wendlyn. Sacrificing his future, Chaol, the Captain of the King’s Guard, has sent Celaena there to protect her, but her darkest demons lay in that same place. If she can overcome them, she will be Adarlan’s biggest threat – and his own toughest enemy. 

While Celaena learns of her true destiny, and the eyes of Erilea are on Wendlyn, a brutal and beastly force is preparing to take to the skies. Will Celaena find the strength not only to win her own battles, but to fight a war that could pit her loyalties to her own people against those she has grown to love?

The Jewel (The Lone City, #1)The Jewel (The Lone City #1) - 
Amy Ewing

The Jewel means wealth. The Jewel means beauty. The Jewel means royalty. But for girls like Violet, the Jewel means servitude. Not just any kind of servitude. Violet, born and raised in the Marsh, has been trained as a surrogate for the royalty—because in the Jewel the only thing more important than opulence is offspring.
Purchased at the surrogacy auction by the Duchess of the Lake and greeted with a slap to the face, Violet (now known only as #197) quickly learns of the brutal truths that lie beneath the Jewel’s glittering facade: the cruelty, backstabbing, and hidden violence that have become the royal way of life.

Violet must accept the ugly realities of her existence... and try to stay alive. But then a forbidden romance erupts between Violet and a handsome gentleman hired as a companion to the Duchess’s petulant niece. Though his presence makes life in the Jewel a bit brighter, the consequences of their illicit relationship will cost them both more than they bargained for.

Fler nya boksläpp

Trial by Fire (Worldwalker, #1) The Paper Magician (The Paper Magician Trilogy, #1) Still Point (Awaken, #3) Anatomy of a Misfit
Don't Touch The Secret Sky: A Novel of Forbidden Love in Afghanistan Starry Night Feuds
The Dolls Destined for Doon (Doon, #2) MARY: The Summoning (Bloody Mary, #1) 100 Sideways Miles
The Boy I Love The Girl and the Clockwork Cat Sealed with a Lie (Two Lies and a Spy, #2) Shattered (Scorched, #2)
The Hunted (The Enemy #6) The Winter People Zac and Mia Hider, Seeker, Secret Keeper
Girl Defective 

Svenska böcker/översättningar

Skärvor av J Kristallstaden  The Young World 1 - Överlevarna (inbunden)

Fridas tankar

September börjar med många nya böcker! Kan tänka mig att väldigt många längtat efter Heir of Fire. Själv har jag inte påbörjat serien än, men den står högt upp på min TBR. Annars är jag nog mest nyfiken på The Jewel den här veckan. Den låter i och för sig som en ganska så typisk dystopi, men det är ändå något som får mig att vilja läsa den. Trial by Fire kan jag också tänka mig att läsa, om jag hittar den på biblioteket. 

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